Financial Planning in Massachusetts

We craft precise plans for your long-term success.

What is Financial Planning

Financial planning is the process of evaluating your current financial situation and developing a personalized plan to achieve your goals. It involves examining various aspects of finances such as investing, taxes, savings, retirement, estate planning, insurance, and budgeting.
Proper planning means financial freedom. Building wealth isn’t complicated, but having a plan is essential. Think of it as your personal roadmap to success in managing your money. From saving for retirement to minimizing taxes and everything in between, financial planning covers all bases for your financial well-being. So, if you’re ready to take control of your finances and make your money work for you, financial planning is the first step in your journey to financial independence.

Different Types of Financial Planning

Benefits of Our Financial Planning

Clarity and Direction

Our financial planning service provides you with a clear blueprint for your finances, starting at the end and determining how to get there.

Goal Achievement

We tailor your financial plans to your specific goals, whether it’s buying a home, saving for education, or retiring comfortably. With our guidance, you’ll have a realistic plan in place to make those dreams a reality.

Maximized Savings and Investments

By optimizing your savings and investments, we help you make the most of your hard-earned money. Our strategies aim for every dollar to work harder for you, leading to increased wealth over time.

Risk Management

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but with our financial planning, you’ll be prepared for whatever comes your way. We assess risks and develop strategies to protect your assets and loved ones against unforeseen events.

Tax Efficiency

Nobody likes paying more taxes than necessary. Our financial planning service includes tax-efficient strategies to minimize your tax burden, leaving more money in your pocket for the things that matter most to you.

Financial Confidence

With our guidance and support, know that your financial future is in good hands. We help you eliminate financial stress, and let you focus on what you value most.

Meet our Financial Advisors

John Conte

Your Principal and Wealth Management Advisor. With over 20 years of experience in the field, John has dedicated his career to helping over 500 emerging high-net-worth families and small business owners organize and simplify their financial lives.
John is a fully licensed Certified Financial Planner with FINRA Series 7 and 66, as well as Life & Health Insurance credentials. As a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of Hornor, Townsend, & Kent, LLC, John is committed to providing you with expert financial guidance and personalized service tailored to your needs. So, why wait? Take the first step towards financial success with John Conte by your side.

Why Choose Oliver Capital?

We Have Your Back

It all begins with a simple and honest conversation. This first step is the easiest and most important. Book a call with us and let’s get started!